Amy Update

It has been a while since posting as well….life has been hectic as I am sure we all can say from time to time. Amy has had to adjust to my new work schedule which means begging for cuddle and scratch behind the ears time from an owner who always seems to be sitting at this darn computer all day from morning until night. I have to admit working from 11:30a until 8p is no picnic for Amy’s owner either but if Amy is to continue to eat well both dry and wet food then we all have to adjust to this new shift.

Amy has taken to claiming my bed as her’s while I work during her afternoon nap but at other times she has to be right by me typically at the wide window seat by my desk or curled up in the top tier of her cat tower that is located directly across from my desk. She must feel the need to be near me even if I am not paying attention to her. She does during her wake times rub her head against my legs or stretch up and put her front paws on my lap while I type. There are also times when she jumps up onto the back of my office chair and makes her way around so that she can jump up onto my desk as if to say “HERE I AM, PAY ATTENTION TO ME PLEASE!”

As many of you know Amy is in a one-pet household but has two humans that she adores. My daughter tends to stay in her bedroom with the door closed so Amy can only have free access to me during the day and night. I am also the one who feeds her and cleans her little box. My daughter plays with her and brushes her.

How often do we as pet owners take the time to notice how changing our routines has an impact on our pets? Amy is a very affectionate cat, she is not your typical aloof cat that likes to be left alone. Amy needs socialization in fact she demands attention from her human owners. She will head butt, tap her paws on us or jump on us until she has our undivided attention. Have you noticed your cat trying to get your attention using these methods? Do you pay attention to the needs of your cat?

Comment on this post concerning how your cat reacts to schedule changes in your household please we would all like to read about your experiences.







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